28 – Goodbye Cassini

I have a personal connection to Cassini. My Uncle Frank worked on Cassini at NASA. I will always remember when he was telling me about Cassini just after the launch. I was 14/15, and he was telling me it would take 7 years and that blew my mind.

Sadly, Uncle Frank didn’t live to see Cassini through to its end. It saddens me, but it will always be a part of his legacy.

And as for Cassini itself… thank you, Cassini, for what you’ve taught us about our ringed friend and its moons. We have learned SO MUCH. And there is still data coming in, thanks to your Grand Finale! <3

3 throughts on "28 – Goodbye Cassini"

  1. Would the planets (&galaxies, etc.) be mourning Steven Hawking? I know I am. I have no idea how to show that as a cartoon.

    But still, science is a process. We continue to find better explanations which make better predictions, and that will continue. I just wish a lot more people (especially in the US govt.) had a decent science education, and some idea what they were talking about. {stopping before this turns into a rant}

  2. Wow thatโ€™s fantastic connection and your Uncle, I like to believe, is a
    ๐ŸŒŸshinning star๐ŸŒŸ observing and …chatting?…it up with the cosmics! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’ซ
    Thanks for sharing all your comics art all these years!๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜˜

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